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Nobel Peace Prize Forum from March 1-3 features Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, international and national leaders

NPPF1The 24th annual Nobel Peace Prize Forum—a conference that celebrates Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, international and national leaders—is March 1-3 in Minneapolis.

The 2012 Nobel Peace Prize Forum, which explores issues related to peacemaking and causes of conflict and war, includes tracks related to business, arts and music, education, and global studies. A special 50th anniversary presentation of Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem will be performed as part of the event.

The forum is organized by Augsburg College, in partnership with the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, and with ongoing sponsorship from the original college partners. The Nobel Peace Prize Forum is the only affiliation of the Nobel Institute outside Norway. It was founded during 1989 through a unique partnership between the Norwegian Nobel Institute and five private colleges—Augsburg, Augustana, Concordia (Moorhead), Luther, and St. Olaf. Continue reading “Nobel Peace Prize Forum from March 1-3 features Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, international and national leaders”

Theater department takes on the challenges of Suzan-Lori Parks’ 365 Days/365 Plays

365theaterBy Wendi Wheeler ’06

Imagine writing one play every day for a year. Also imagine the challenges presented to 14 actors each playing several roles in 54 plays presented in one evening. That is the task of the cast of Suzan-Lori Parks’ 365 Days/365 Plays, directed by Augsburg theater professor Martha Johnson.

In the fall of 2002, Pulitzer-prize winning playwright Suzan-Lori Parks decided to take on the challenge of writing one play a day for a full year. 365 Days/365 Plays is the successful result, featuring 365 short plays exploring such divergent topics as sex, war, fairy tales, Indian mythology, American historical figures, love, politics, race, contemporary celebrities—and numerous other issues from American life. Continue reading “Theater department takes on the challenges of Suzan-Lori Parks’ 365 Days/365 Plays”

Learning about war and peace in El Salvador

elsalvadorDuring the January “winterim” break, several Augsburg students traveled with Religion professor Bev Stratton to Central America for REL 480: Vocation and the Christian Faith: El Salvador. First-year Katelyn Danelski reflects below on the group’s experiences.

We met with several speakers and visited different places, such as churches, a university, and a rural community, in hopes of learning more about their culture, history, and people. We primarily learned about their civil war (1979-1992) and about the roles faith and identity play in the midst of social injustice, oppression, and conflict. Continue reading “Learning about war and peace in El Salvador”