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Lilly grant expands vocational, theological reflection

$447,000, three-year award supports Youth Theological Institute

2014 Youth Theology Institute Seniors
The Youth Theology Institute each year celebrates the accomplishments of its senior class. Here, YTI celebrates the 2014 senior cohort.

(MINNEAPOLIS) — A grant of more than $445,000 was awarded by Lilly Endowment Inc., in a highly competitive grant process, to Augsburg College’s Youth Theology Institute. The award means the Youth Theology Institute can, among other things, develop a fellowship program for youth ministers, including from multicultural and ethnic-specific congregations, and expand participation in the program among youths, congregations, and synods.

“This grant supports Augsburg’s continued commitment to intentional diversity and to modeling what it means to be a Lutheran college of the 21st century, located in the heart of one of the nation’s most diverse zip codes,” said Augsburg College President Paul Pribbenow.

“It equips young people with theological and vocational skills and helps them learn what it means to practice their faith, with its commitments to education, radical hospitality and serving your neighbor.” Continue reading “Lilly grant expands vocational, theological reflection”

Back on campus to connect with students

ministry_internsBy Wendi Wheeler ’06

Jeanette Clark ’07 and Antonio Spargo ’07 don’t know a lot of the current Day students. That’s because most of them were in high school when Clark and Spargo last attended Augsburg. So now that they are back on campus as campus ministry interns, they believe their most important job responsibility is getting to know students.

Both Clark and Spargo have been studying at Luther Seminary, and each has completed at least one internship already. Dave Wold, who knew Clark and Spargo because of their involvement with campus ministry as undergraduates, contacted the seminarians this summer and asked if they would like to work at Augsburg this fall.

“It’s like an internship but not,” Clark said. Though it is early in the school year, Clark sees her role as supporting students and helping campus ministry groups “get off the ground for the year.” Continue reading “Back on campus to connect with students”

Learning about war and peace in El Salvador

elsalvadorDuring the January “winterim” break, several Augsburg students traveled with Religion professor Bev Stratton to Central America for REL 480: Vocation and the Christian Faith: El Salvador. First-year Katelyn Danelski reflects below on the group’s experiences.

We met with several speakers and visited different places, such as churches, a university, and a rural community, in hopes of learning more about their culture, history, and people. We primarily learned about their civil war (1979-1992) and about the roles faith and identity play in the midst of social injustice, oppression, and conflict. Continue reading “Learning about war and peace in El Salvador”

Practicing soccer while practicing their faith

ramadan_soccerSometimes during the second men’s soccer practice of the day, Ahmed Gobana ’12 will start to have muscles cramp up on him. Sherif Soud ’13 starts to get a little shaky and feels especially dehydrated.

Preseason practices—regardless of the sport—can be tough for Augsburg’s student athletes. Because classes have yet to begin, most teams are practicing twice a day in preparation for the season. The work is hard, the weather can be hot, and it certainly isn’t as much fun as playing games.

Now imagine going through two practices a day without drinking any water or eating to refuel your body between practices. That’s what Gobana and Soud are doing right now and will continue to do so until September 10. Continue reading “Practicing soccer while practicing their faith”