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Strommen speaker series features Mary K. Brainerd of HealthPartners

Mary Brainerd
Mary Brainerd, president and CEO of HealthPartners

Augsburg College will welcome Mary K. Brainerd, a national leader known for her business acumen and unwavering commitment to the community, as the next featured presenter in the Clair and Gladys Strommen Executive Speaker Series on April 4.

Brainerd, who will speak on the topic of health care reform from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in Sateren Auditorium, is the president and chief executive officer of Minnesota-based HealthPartners—the largest, consumer-governed, nonprofit health care organization in the United States. Brainerd and HealthPartners are widely recognized for charitable community work.

“Mary is a leader whose values and skills are placed in service of the common good,” said Augsburg President Paul C. Pribbenow, who views Brainerd as an important collaborator with the College. Continue reading “Strommen speaker series features Mary K. Brainerd of HealthPartners”

Strommen speaker series features Chris Killingstad of Tennant Company

Chris_KillingstadThe Clair and Gladys Strommen Executive Speaker Series at Augsburg College will host a free presentation by Chris Killingstad, president and CEO of Tennant Company, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 7, in Sateren Auditorium.

The Strommen Executive Speaker Series brings local business leaders to Augsburg’s Minneapolis campus to share their insights and expertise.

The series is offered quarterly, and in the lecture, “Lessons in Innovation: Essential Elements for Business Success in the 21st Century,” Killingstad will discuss how living and working in nearly a dozen countries has brought a strong international perspective to his career. Continue reading “Strommen speaker series features Chris Killingstad of Tennant Company”

Strommen speaker series features Sally Smith of Buffalo Wild Wings

Sally Smith is the CEO of Buffalo Wild Wings.
Sally Smith, CEO of Buffalo Wild Wings, will speak at Augsburg College on November 15. To add to the conversation on Twitter, please use the hashtag #AugStrom.

The Clair and Gladys Strommen Executive Speaker Series at Augsburg College will host a free presentation by Sally Smith, president and CEO of Buffalo Wild Wings, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 15, in Hoversten Chapel.

The Strommen Executive Speaker Series brings local business leaders to Augsburg’s Minneapolis campus to share their insights and expertise.

The series is offered quarterly, and Smith’s presentation will feature an exciting twist. Her lecture, “The Buffalo Wild Wings Story: How the Entrepreneurial Spirit of Two Hungry Guys Helped Launch a Restaurant Brand,” will be followed by a dinner for presentation attendees to sample wings from the restaurant chain. Continue reading “Strommen speaker series features Sally Smith of Buffalo Wild Wings”

Christensen Symposium features Interfaith Youth Core founder Eboo Patel

Patel_convocationEboo Patel, founder and president of the Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC), will speak at the 2012 Bernhard M. Christensen Symposium convocation at 11 a.m. on Sept. 18.

Patel, who will speak on the “Holiness of Common Ground,” was named one of America’s Best Leaders of 2009 by U.S.News & World Report.

IFYC is based in Chicago and is devoted to building the interfaith movement on college campuses.

Patel’s visit to Augsburg fits well with the College’s commitment to interfaith dialogue, neighborhood service, and intentional diversity. The visit also will further the work and support Augsburg contributes to President Obama’s Interfaith and Community Service Campus Challenge, a project launched during 2010 to engage students in interfaith discussion and community service. Continue reading “Christensen Symposium features Interfaith Youth Core founder Eboo Patel”

Strommen speaker series features Steve Wehrenberg ’78 of Campbell Mithun

strommen_wehrenbergThis Thursday, Augsburg welcomes Steve Wehrenberg ’78, CEO of the Minneapolis-based ad agency, Campbell Mithun. His lecture on finding truth in advertising, which will begin at 5 p.m. in Hoversten Chapel in Foss Center, is part of the Strommen Speaker Series.

Wehrenberg graduated magna cum laude from Augsburg with a bachelor’s degree in English and communication studies. While at Augsburg, he was editor of the Echo and the Murphy Square literary magazine. Continue reading “Strommen speaker series features Steve Wehrenberg ’78 of Campbell Mithun”