The following Free or Low Cost Assistive Technology programs, software, websites, and apps focus on different forms of Communication Support. The information about the following applications has been summarized from the applications’ websites and/or from experience testing the applications. We update this page approximately once a year. Please refer to the applications’ websites for the most up to date information.
This page was created by the Augsburg University CLASS Office. To reference our resource pages, please correctly cite Augsburg University CLASS Office.
Cboard AAC
- Free and Open Source communication application that includes symbols and text-to-speech
- Supports many languages
- More information: Cboard Website
Cost: Free
Compatibility: Online Resource, Android, Amazon App
- Accessible keyboard
- Customizable settings including high contrast, enlarged font, and keyboard timing options
- Offers word prediction and works with switch access and VoiceOver
- More information: Keeble Website
Cost: $24.99
Compatibility: iOS
Speech Assistant AAC
- Customizable text-to-speech communication app
- Create, categorize, and quickly access phrases
- Can be used during phone calls
- Adjustable voice settings
- More information: Speech Assistant AAC Website
Cost: $23.99
Compatibility: iOS
- Communication app that allows users to have the app speak aloud the things they type, write, or touch within the app
- Save commonly used phrases for quick access
- Includes an attention button that flashes users’ flashlights when they have something to stay
- Unlimited speaking
- More features available with a premium subscriptions
- More information: Spoken Website
Cost: Free for basic and $12 99 /month for premium
Compatibility: iOS and Android
TD Talk
- Speech generating communication app
- Create phrases and select from various voice options
- Offers word prediction when typing
- Customizable keyboard settings
- More information: TD Talk Website
Cost: Free
Compatibility: iOS
- Speech recognition application for people with non-standard speech
- Trains to each users’ specific voice and improves overtime
- Can work with smart home technology, such as Alexa
- More information: Voiceitt Website
Cost: “Monthly subscriptions are $49.99 and a yearly subscription are $499.99. All subscriptions start with a 30-day free trial.” (Voiceitt, 2024).
Compatibility: Online Resource