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High School Versus College

Southern Methodist University’s Learning Enhancement Center has created a website that addresses many of the ways in which college students need to alter their expectations as they move from high school to college:

Special Education in High School: Disability Services in College:
The relevant disability law is the Individuals with Disability Education Act (IDEA). The relevant disability laws are Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Schools must make available to all eligible children with disabilities a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment appropriate to their individual needs. Colleges are prohibited from discriminating against qualified students because of a disability.
Behavior can be viewed as a manifestation of the disability and accommodated within limits. You must meet the essential standards (educational, behavioral, and others) established by the college or university.
Guiding principle: The environment is fit to the student Guiding principle: The student fits the environment

College Planning Guide For Students with Learning Disabilities