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Requesting Accommodations

All Augsburg students have been accepted to the university based on their ability to succeed academically and are required to meet the same academic and technical standards. Disability Resources (CLASS) provides accommodations and academic support to students with disabilities or temporary conditions. Each student’s requests will be evaluated on an individual basis.

How to request accommodations

  1. Schedule an appointment with a Disability Specialist in the CLASS Office:
  2. Meet with the Disability Specialist to discuss the impact of the disability in the Augsburg environment.
  3. Provide documentation of your disability. Documentation should be from an appropriate professional, such as a doctor, psychologist, licensed therapist, psychiatrist, etc. Documentation should include:
    • Diagnosis.
    • Impact of the disability within the Augsburg environment.
    • Recommendations for academic adjustments or accommodations.

first meeting – What to expect

During your first meeting, a CLASS specialist will talk with you about what brings you to our office and listen to your concerns. They will then describe what our office does and why. The specialist will ask questions about your situation and your disability so the two of you can figure out what barriers you are facing and what we may be able to put in place to help minimize those barriers and ensure equal opportunity for you at Augsburg. We will work with you to plan for any next steps and refer you to other resources, where appropriate.

If you have information about your disability from a therapist, doctor, or other licensed professional, it’s helpful if you can email it ahead of time to, fax it to 612-330-1137 or bring it with you to the meeting. If not, we still will talk with you about your concerns and next steps.


Please submit in person at the Groves Lab on the second floor of the Lindell Library between 8:30-4 Monday-Friday. You can also send it via fax or email.

CLASS Augsburg University
Campus Box #57
2211 Riverside Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Fax: 612-330-1137

Documentation may include, but is not limited to, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), 504 Plan, neuropsychological assessment, psychoeducational testing report, letter from your provider. If you do not have documentation readily available, you may have your provider fill out our Verification Form (see Sources for Documentation).

The purpose of documentation is to assist in providing information and understanding about how the courses or facilities might present barriers and to what degree the disability affects you, and to plan for accommodations to facilitate access.

Housing Needs

For any disability-related campus housing needs, please contact the CLASS Office.