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Zyzzogeton event highlights student achievement

ZyzzogetonAugsburg College will celebrate the creativity and scholarship of undergraduate students on April 19 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the eighth annual Zyzzogeton Research Festival.

Held in Oren Gateway Center, the festival falls at the end of each academic year and is a culmination of achievement featuring work across divisions and departments.

This year, more than 80 students will present their research to the Augsburg community during a poster session. Zyzzogeton is an opportunity to hear about the exciting scholarship happening on campus and refreshments will be served throughout the event. Continue reading “Zyzzogeton event highlights student achievement”

Augsburg College students share research findings

URGOconferenceNearly three dozen undergraduate students will present findings from their on-campus research during the URGO Summer Research Conference from July 25-26.

Augsburg College’s Office of Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity (URGO) provides summer research grants for students interested in professional study. Students further classroom learning with critical thinking and thoughtful analysis through faculty-led research that complements their degree programs.

This year, students’ topics include how individuals use tattoos to reflect self identity; studies of the motion of Daphnia magna, a water flea; the influence of rap music in the Arab Spring revolutions; and the expression of gender nonconforming identities, among others. Continue reading “Augsburg College students share research findings”

Celebrating undergraduate research

undergraduate_researchIt’s Undergraduate Research Week, as resolved by the U.S. House of Representatives in 2010. Across the nation, colleges and universities will be highlighting student research projects and hosting events this week to discuss the importance of research in undergraduate education.

At Augsburg, we will mark this week with a series of events including Zyzzogeton, the annual celebration of student research and creativity. Continue reading “Celebrating undergraduate research”

A summer of investigation and discovery

urgosummer10Research isn’t all test tubes and laboratories. This summer at Augsburg, students will create music, study Medieval history, compare Minnesota theatres, and even attempt to determine if a BMI can be established for dogs. For the 2010 URGO summer research projects, students will spend 200 or 400 hours conducting research with faculty from Augsburg and other institutions. Many will present their findings in May 2011 at Zyzzogeton, Augsburg’s year-end festival of academic and artistic achievement. Continue reading “A summer of investigation and discovery”

How to arm a knight — and graduate in Medieval Studies

armorNot many senior projects require countless hours spent shaping steel with a hammer. And sandpaper and steel brushes aren’t often used to finish one of the most significant assignments in a student’s undergraduate career.

But Josh Davis’ project isn’t like most. For more than two years, Davis has spent the vast majority of his free time working to construct a full suit of armor. Based on armor of the late 1400s, Davis’ work is currently on display on the Link Level of Lindell Library.

On Thursday, Davis, a senior who will graduate with a degree in medieval studies, will don the suit and put on a demonstration on the green space between Lindell Library and Oren Gateway Center. The 3:30 p.m., presentation entitled “How to Arm a Knight” is part of the two days of Zyzzogeton, which celebrates the creativity and scholarships of undergraduate students. Continue reading “How to arm a knight — and graduate in Medieval Studies”

What I did on my summer vacation

urgo_summer While the rest of us are enjoying a quiet afternoon on the lake or seeing the latest summer blockbuster, 16 Augsburg students will be in the lab or the library conducting research. Perhaps one of them will be blazing a trail to Augsburg’s next Nobel prize.

URGO — the office of Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity — provides summer research grants for students interested in graduate or professional study. The program encourages undergraduate students to conduct research by requiring an understanding of current questions in a field, the ability to collaborate with others, and the persistence necessary to meet the demands of graduate study. Continue reading “What I did on my summer vacation”

Zyzzogeton festival highlights student achievement

This week, Augsburg will celebrate the creativity and scholarship of students with the 3rd-annual Zyzzogeton academic festival. Events include presentations of student research, performances of “Top Girls,” a concert of the Riverside Singers, and an all-student juried art exhibition. This year will also feature the first “Agre Shootout” and the second “Lutefisk vs. Lefse” debate.

The festival falls at the end of each academic year and is a culmination of achievement featuring work across divisions and departments. A “Zyzzogeton” is a green leaf-hopper as well as the last word in the Webster Collegiate Dictionary, which is a fitting symbol to mark the end of the academic year. Augsburg’s is the oldest festival of its kind in the country. Continue reading “Zyzzogeton festival highlights student achievement”